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Education To Employment
Sustainable Growth

Education Is The Path To Wisdom
Wisdom Is Where The Answers Lie.

Drive With Wisdom Intelligence Expertise Information Influence To Remove The Fear Of Ignorance Insanity Powerlessness Misinformation Inaccuracy And Show The Path To Wisdom.

Transferable Skills is the Key to Sustainable Career Growth.

This is the Skill that you can port from one industry to another where you can be hired without a loss in your compenstation.

Create a Ladder of Success. Learn and Master those Skills that you can use across industries that will make you stand out in the crowd.

Hi, I am Ramana.

I bring my 35 years of professional experience both as a corporate employee and as an entrepreneur of multiple ventures into this mission to help 100,000 students and working professionals to Bridge the Gap from Education to Employment To Sustainable Growth by learning and mastering transferable skills of Change Management.

Founder of Change Leadership Mastermind a Community for Change Practitioners, and people passionate about Change Management and Change Leadership

Who is it for?
  • Final years college students - Students transitioning from Education to Employment.

  • Entry Level Working Professionals who are looking for Sustainable Growth.

  • Mid Career Professionals seeking to grow to the C-Level.

  • People returning after a Sabbatical.

  • Returning Moms and Women after a career break.

  • People transitioning from Military to Corporate.

  • Project Management Professionals, HR Professionals, Process Improvement Professionals, Agile Professionals, Operations and Management Professionals, Department Heads.

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